Hill Reps - Oakwell Area - Bala St, Windermere Rd & Belgrave Rd
Hill reps - 3 different hills, working hard on the uphill, jog recovery on downhill. 10 - 14 reps.

Speed Work - Broadway area
Speed work - old loop. 7-9 reps with 1 min recovery between.

Hill Reps- Sheffield Rd area-Cemetery Rd, Tune St, Commercial St, Corporation St & Oxford St
Hill reps - up each hill at least once, then jogging down to recover. 6-10 uphill reps in total.

Speed Work - Town centre - Mayday Green
500m reps - 400m good pace, last 100m at higher pace. 8 - 10 reps.

Hill Reps - Blackburn Lane, Queens Ave & Hope St (Off Summer Lane)
Hill reps - 3 different hills. 8 - 10 reps.

Speed Work - Moorland Ave off Dodworth Rd
Speed work - 800m reps. 5 -8 reps with 1m 30 sec recovery between.

Hill Reps- Wood St, Union St and Buckley Court
Hill reps (up & down) Working hard up Union St continue effort down Wood St. Jog recovery on Buckley Court. 25 Minutes in total.

Hill Reps - Heelis St (off Wood St)
Hill Work - 1 hill working on uphill jog downhill. 7 -9 reps.

Speed Work - Stocks Lane/ Myrtle St
Speed work - 400m reps 300m good pace - 100m faster. 8-10 reps static with recovery.

Hill Reps - Capitol Park, Dodworth
Hill Reps - 1 hill or 2 different hills both 200-250 long mix and match as you like. Jog recovery.

Speed Work - Town Centre - Mayday Green
Speed work - Paarlauf in pairs with jog recovery. 20 mins.

Hill Reps - Oakwell Area Bala St, Windermere Rd & Belgrave Rd
Hill reps - 3 different hills working hard on the uphill, jog recovery on downhill. 7 - 9 reps.

Speed Work - Broadway Area (Old Loop)
Speed work- on old loop. 6-8 reps with 1 minute rest

Hill Reps - Doncaster Rd area-Waltham St, Brinkman St, Gold St
Hill reps - 3 hills 2 long, 1 short. 7-10 reps split between the 3 hills.

Speed Work -Town Centre - Mayday Green
Speed work – Paarlauf with jog recovery. 19 minutes.

Hill Reps -Keresforth Close (off Broadway)
Hill work - 1 hill working on the uphill jog on the down hill. 20 mins.

Hill Reps - Heelis St (off Wood St)
Hill reps - 1 hill working on the uphill jog on the down hill. 5-8 reps.

Speed Work - Town Centre- Mayday Green
Speed work – 200m fast, 200m jog. 12 fast reps and 12 steady reps.

Hill Reps - Blackburn Lane, Queens Ave & Hope St (Off Summer Lane)
Hill reps - 3 different hills split session between them. 6-9 reps with jog recovery.

Speed Work -Town Centre - Mayday Green
Speed work - Paarlauf in pairs with jog recovery. 19 minutes

Hill Reps - Oakwell Area Bala St, Windermere Rd & Belgrave Rd
Hill reps - 3 different hills working hard on the uphill, jog recovery on downhill. 5-8 reps.

Speed Work - Stocks Lane/ Myrtle Street
Speed work - Paarlauf in pairs with static recovery. 18 minutes.

Speed Work - 600m laps
7-10 reps, with 45 seconds rest between reps.
Location: Town centre-Mayday Green.

Hills Reps- 3 different hills
20 minutes total, working hard on the uphill , jog recovery on downhill.
Location: Oakwell Area - Bala St, Windermere Rd & Belgrave Rd

Speed Work - Paarlauf
22 minutes in pairs with static recovery.
Location: Stocks Lane/ Myrtle St.

Hill Reps - work hard on the hill and recover on the descents
7-10 reps.
Location: Fitzwilliam st & Prospect St.

Speed Work - old Broadway loop
7-9 reps with 1 min recovery between.
Location: Broadway Area.

Hills Reps - 3 different hills. Work hard on the uphill, jog recovery on downhill
10-14 reps
Location: Oakwell Area. Bala St, Windermere Rd & Belgrave Rd

Hills Reps- 3 different hills
8-10 reps
Location: Blackburn Lane, Queens Ave & Hope St (Off Summer Lane)

Speed work - 800m reps
5 -8 reps with 1m 30 sec recovery between.
Location: Moorland Ave off Dodworth Rd