Kit Manager: Jeff Clark
What I do: I control the inventory of the Club kit held by the club and supply to members on request. I try and be available at the club every week so members have access to kit when theyneed it, though its not always possible I can be contacted by text to arrange a suitable time.
Most kit is kept in our storeroom at Shaw lane as there is too much to carry around! We have 9 different items in numerous sizes which I attempt to always keep in stock every item and size combination. There are over 40 item/size combinations at present.
We have 3 existing suppliers but they do not hold stock for us but make to order. I have to order a minimum quantity each time and a minimum size split as we cannot order just what we need.
Lead times for replenishment can be anything from 4 - 6 weeks. I try and source new items if interest is shown, but again minimum order quantities can make this unfeasible.The kit prices are set by what we pay, as no profit is made by the club.The club typically holds stock at any one time valued at over £2000.
At present our kit comprises of - Vests / T Shirts / Long Sleeved T-Shirts / Hoodies /Jackets / Neckwear