Social Section

The Barnsley Harriers Social Team aims to provide a mixture of both social and running activity outside of our club nights. 

We are responsible for arranging the Presentation Evening, Christmas parties and other social events which fall in between these times, such as our annual beer mile! 

Upcoming Events

24th Feb - BaHa social night out at The Works in Barnsley Town Centre, 6-8pm, followed by drinks after.

9th March - Annual Presentation night, Saturday 9th March 2024, in the Griffin Suite at Shaw Lane, 7.30- late. Tickets cost £12 per person and include food and a free drink. Open to all members and guests.

9th to 11th August - BaHa Social Weekend. A weekend of social events with a bit of sporting activity thrown in, including our annual Beer Mile. Further details TBC.

Do you have an idea for a social event?

Get in touch via our email address or drop us a message on Instagram.